Thursday, 8 February 2007

More about the miracle deodoriser

Bicarbonate of soda is a great cheap deodoriser!
You can find it on the baking ingredients shelves at the supermarket.

Use to:

  • sprinkle into whiffy trainers and shoes last thing at night. In the morning, shake it out - I find it best to shake it out over the bath then rinse away.
  • for small, smelly objects that can't be washed, put them in a plastic bag with some bicarb. Seal and shake well. Leave to do its magic for a few hours.
  • for a smelly patch on carpets or upholstery - make sure the surface is bone-dry. Sprinkle liberally with bicarb. and leave for a few hours before vacuuming away. [Particularly useful for car seats and travel-sickness-prone kids!]
  • Put a teaspoon of bicarb into a new vacuum cleaner bag when you change it.
  • Remove the lid from a tub of bicarb. and tuck it somewhere in the fridge where the open tub won't get knocked over. Replace every couple of months or so.

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